
24 January 2023, 6:30pm ET

Lydia Ourahmane

Main Hall

1 Spadina Crescent

John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design

University of Toronto

Lydia Ourahmane leads an artist talk around her new film and the subject of her first exhibition in Canada, Tassili (2022). Documenting a two-week journey on foot with a group of artists to Tassili n’Ajjer—a plateau spanning the border between Algeria and Libya—the film is an ambitious undertaking that exemplifies Ourahmane’s research-driven practice at the intersections of spirituality, contemporary geopolitics, migration, and the complex histories of colonialism. The talk will look at recent works that have addressed bureaucratic processes affecting the mobility of persons, objects and cultures, and will focus on the potential of art to examine and transgress such controls. 


Lydia Ourahmane is based in Algiers and Barcelona. Recent and forthcoming solo exhibitions include MACBA, Barcelona (2023); SMAK, Ghent (2022); Sculpture Center, New York (2022); Portikus, Frankfurt (2022); KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Berlin (2022); De Appel, Amsterdam (2021); Triangle-Astérides, Marseille (2021); Kunsthalle Basel (2021); CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco (2020); and Chisenhale Gallery, London (2018). Her work was included in the 34th Bienal de São Paulo (2021) and the New Museum Triennial, New York (2018).

About the Series

fORUM is Mercer Union’s ongoing series of talks, lectures, interviews, screenings, and performances.